Monday, March 30, 2009

Sony Bravia Motion Graphic

The task was to do motion graphic using flash. My first motion graphic attempt! This was back in my first year too. We have to do based on electronic stuff, so i choose Sony Bravia! Many of my friend thought this is lame and childish, but hey, i love it. In fact, the lecturers also love it. So, im sorry friends, childish art is back. :P

We also have to make poster for it, so here it is. Enjoy!!

The poster

Software : Adobe Flash , Adobe Photoshop , Adobe Illustrator

Topshop mock website.

This is done during my first year of degree. We were asked to do a mock up website for brand's membership. I choose Toshop, since i feel i can relate to the brand and product. I put the membership name as "Topshop Babes". Enjoy. :D


Sign up page

Mail to friend page

Contest page

Ferrero Rocher

I done this packaging in my first year of degree. The task was to do secondary packaging design. I choose ferrero rocher as my product and christmas at my theme. Enjoy.

My idea is to make the box look like a gift.


Hello!, I'm Liyana, a student of Multimedia University,Cyberjaya,Malaysia. I'm taking degree in Media Innovation. This blog is where i put my work through out my degree years in Multimedia University. If anyone does interested in my work and wants to collaborate or ask any question, just email me at or you can always leave comments. Enjoy :D