Sunday, May 17, 2009

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Second Phase

No more Excuse's website screen shot.

The second phase of the campaign is done. This website made for domestic violence campaign.

Software: 3d Max , Adobe Flash, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Dreamweaver

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

No more excuse campaign.

This is my recent project, part one has finished but still doing the part two and three. Part one was PSA for the campaign.By the way, my campaign is about domestic violence on how husbands always gives excuse when they beat their wives.
Here is the TVC

Progress on phase two of the campaign, 3d booth and 3d website...still in progress mode

Friday, April 17, 2009


This was my latest project that i did for branding. I was doing branding for toy, so i choose to do soft toy for little girl. We have to induce a little bit of Malaysian identity for the name. I choose Inang for the name since my toy is a lullaby soft toy, when squeeze it sings! Inang is a caretaker for Sultan's children. That is why i choose to give my toy that name. To reflect that little girls are princesses to their parent. So Enjoy greatest creation. :D

Software : 3d Max , Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop


Did a campaign for environmental problems. This campaign is a group project, i was the person assigned to do the the 3d booth. This campaign is done for Celcom. Enjoy!

Software : 3d Max , Adobe Photoshop

Saturday, April 4, 2009


Last week, i got an idea to do logotype for a mock up desert store called "pastries".
Basicly, i choose one of my favorite pastry, which is muffin and simplified it.I thought of using font that is available but in the end, i make up my own font using the tablet:D

Here's my logotype creation. Enjoy!

Nyum nyum, candy color!

Software : Adobe Illustrator , Adobe Photoshop

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Faculty of Creative Multimedia Promotion

For my second year, I have to make a promotional booklet with cd application for Faculty of Creative Multimedia open day. This is a group work consist of two people. My partner for this project is Nurhidayat Jamalolail. We come up with idea to make it like a diary, so it will be personal to visitor. In this project, i executed the application part.

These are the application interfaces.

Software : Adobe Flash, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator

Self Promotion.

The task is do a self promotion video to show my personality and what i can do. :D . I choose to explore stop motion technique since i always wanted to try it. The idea was to do a stop motion and put in animation into it. The title is "What am i?" Enjoy.

Software : Adobe After Effect

Monday, March 30, 2009

Sony Bravia Motion Graphic

The task was to do motion graphic using flash. My first motion graphic attempt! This was back in my first year too. We have to do based on electronic stuff, so i choose Sony Bravia! Many of my friend thought this is lame and childish, but hey, i love it. In fact, the lecturers also love it. So, im sorry friends, childish art is back. :P

We also have to make poster for it, so here it is. Enjoy!!

The poster

Software : Adobe Flash , Adobe Photoshop , Adobe Illustrator

Topshop mock website.

This is done during my first year of degree. We were asked to do a mock up website for brand's membership. I choose Toshop, since i feel i can relate to the brand and product. I put the membership name as "Topshop Babes". Enjoy. :D


Sign up page

Mail to friend page

Contest page

Ferrero Rocher

I done this packaging in my first year of degree. The task was to do secondary packaging design. I choose ferrero rocher as my product and christmas at my theme. Enjoy.

My idea is to make the box look like a gift.


Hello!, I'm Liyana, a student of Multimedia University,Cyberjaya,Malaysia. I'm taking degree in Media Innovation. This blog is where i put my work through out my degree years in Multimedia University. If anyone does interested in my work and wants to collaborate or ask any question, just email me at or you can always leave comments. Enjoy :D